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08 December 2009

Archives June 2008 : Tool of the Month

Artifex Wheel

Most people can barely walk out of the door without Dallas suggesting a tool that will and does make your project or life easier. The Artifex wheel is one of those tools that ALL of us (Hans included) are sold on!

The Artifex wheel is a German-made, rubber and silicon carbide bonded wheel. It will grind and de-bur very quickly, while it leaves behind a smooth, matte finish. Artifex wheels are bonded so they will not grind away into nothing and do not create a lot of dust like most other silicone based wheels. The Artifex wheel works great on silver, gold, platinum, and even steel!

The wheels are available in three different grits: Fine (250), Medium (150), and Coarse (80). However, we suggest using the Medium for most projects. The wheels are 4 inches in diameter and will fit on most polishing motors. They are also available on an inside ring arbor, in the Fine and Medium grits only. Artifex wheels are not available for the flext-shaft as of yet, but here's hoping!

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